Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lets dissect your budget

No cuts in the tithing department it is 10% nothing more nothing less is required.

House Payment
If you are paying 6% or higher interest rate I would look into refinancing to save money on interest. Then after all of your other debts are taken care of you can choose to pay your house off. I would plan to have your house paid off before you retire.

Think of ways to make this bill smaller turn off lights when you leave the room. Insulate the attic, Insulate the basement, buy energy efficient appliances

Here is a cool article to check out on this subject

Look into recycling more and then get the smallest trash can.

Not sure how to save on this one I always want the most qualified person to take care of my children. One way to cut this bill is to work from home if you can find an at home job/career.

Cell phone
Make sure you are not buying too many minutes, plus you can eliminate you home line if you always are carring your cell phone with you anyways.

Car ins
Make sure you have the best rates by comparison shopping

If you need to get out of debt and need money to get started you may want to try life with out cable just for a while until you get out of debt. If you really love your cable it may motivate you to be debt free faster. Another friend of mine watches tv on their computer and doesn't miss cable at all.

Are you home enough and use your internet enough to justify the cost of your internet if not cut it from your budget. You can always go to the library to use the internet.

Loan payments
Put these on your debt repayment plan and if your credit card rates are high you may want to transfer them to a bank loan. It can't hurt to try to get a lower rate on any of your debt. But remember to pay all your debt off as fast as possible no matter and switching your debt to a different spot is not helping to get you out of debt.

Gym memberships
Make sure you need and use your gym membership get quotes and tour all the gyms in your area to make the best decision about which gym to join. If you have a gym membership and never use it, it may be time to cancel the membership

Well there was a look at my budget and ways to do some cuts let me know if you can add to these ideas. I need to impliment a few of these things so I can save even more money in my budget.

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